Sept. 11, 2012
Today we had fantastic weather! We went outside and had a popsicle picnic! (Make sure you notice the popsicle juice running down Will's arm!) He was one delicious, sticky mess when we were finished! We both had our own popsicles but half way through eating his, Will decided that he would rather have the one that I was eating. So, of course, we traded popsicles! I got the best of both worlds because I couldnt decide if I wanted a red or orange popsicle. This way, I got both! I love spending time with my sweet, little sticky mess!
Sept. 12, 2012
I got a haircut! I love having a girl that knows what I want her to do, even when I don't do a good job of explaining it!
Sept. 13, 2012
I took advantage of the low humidity and bright sunshine and sat out on the patio and read for a long time while Will was napping! It is so nice to have a break from reality and some time to myself to recharge!
Sept. 14, 2012
Today's happiness is sponsored by Will's peanut butter and jelly sandwich! I love that when he eats his PB&J that it winds up all over his face, hands, high chair, bib, and milk cup! How could that peanut butter and jelly face not make you smile? Definitely a mess I don't mind cleaning up!
Sept. 15, 2012
We went to visit Evan this weekend. Being apart is so difficult. It is tough on mine and Evan's relationship and it is tough on Will, especially because Will is too little to understand why Daddy has to be gone. Will doesnt get that it is part of Evan's job. Will doesn't get that Evan has to do what he has to do. Will doesn't get that the family dorms are being renovated so we can't be with Evan right now. Will only knows that his daddy is not here and that he misses him. That is hard for him and hard for me. However, absence definitely makes the heart grow fonder and that makes our time even sweeter! We went to play in the pool on the base and Evan and Will had so much fun splashing around! In this picture, Evan was about to toss Will up in the air and let him splash into the water. It makes me happy to see my boys playing together and having such a good time and enjoying each other so much!
Sept. 16, 2012
As I was driving back to my parents house, I had to cross the Alabama/Georgia border. I always love crossing into Georgia. I love the sign! In case you can't read it, it says "Welcome to Georgia. We're glad Georgia's on your mind!" This is such a nice tribute to Ray Charles! I love his song entitled "Georgia on my Mind" and I love the memories of the laser show at stone mountain that it envokes. I also like the feelings of happiness and coming home that song provides for me!
Sept. 17, 2012
This looks kind of like snow, but I can assure you that is not the case! We had a fantastic rain storm this night! I love the sound of rain and thunder and lightening! Living in Alaska, it is very rare to have a good downpour of rain and even rarer to hear thunder. (Lightening pretty much does not happen there!) So, I am always glad if we get a good rain storm when I am in Georgia visiting my parents. This picture isn't great but you can get the general idea!
Sept. 18, 2012
Will and I went to the local library where we spent 2 hours looking at books. We love going to the library. We had a great time catching up with the librarians(who happen to be the same children's librarians that worked there when I was a child!). We checked out 34 books! (Some of them were for my mom to use at preschool!) I love that I have a child who loves to read and look at books. I love that there is a place like the library where we can go and borrow books. I love that reading a book can transport you to another world. I love books, the library, and imagination!
Sept. 19, 2012
Will and I went to hang out with my best friend, Mia and her son Maddox. Mia and I have been friends all our lives. We grew up across the street from each other and were inseperable throughout elementary school. We remained close even when I moved to a new house. We remained close through middle and high school and college, despite the fact that we went to different schools. We have done everything in our lives together, from birth, to starting kindergarten, to dance classes, to first loves, to driver's licenses, to graduation from high school and college, to picking out wedding dresses, to having babies and everything else that a lifetime holds. It makes me so happy that our boys are so close in age and can grow up together. I love watching them play together and form a life long friendship!
That's all I have for this week. I will be back later this week or next week with more pictures! I hope you are all enjoying my pictures and that you continue to look for the things that make you happy in life!
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